Komorowice - Architectural inventory of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. Jana Chrzciciela w Bielsku-Białej
Architectural inventory of St. John the Baptist Church in Bielsko-Biala located in the central part of the city, which is a characteristic landmark of the urban landscape.
The historic religious building, built in the Gothic style, is a beautiful representation of the artistry of sculpture and painting. The sacred building, distinguished by its stunning stained glass windows, paintings and rich ornamentation, is a place for contemplative prayer, but also a space where choral concerts or religious lectures are held.
In order for an object of great historical and cultural significance for the city and the region to function properly and safely, it was necessary to rebuild the fire protection system. Using laser scanner measurement technology and a drone raid, we obtained a 3D model of the facility. As a result of the work, the obtained architectural and construction documentation was superimposed on the aforementioned model and the technical condition of the building was precisely verified.