
See selected projects in the field of laser scanning, photogrammetry and drone flights, point cloud processing and modelling.
If you need a similar service, please, contact us.
Architectural and construction inventory based on laser scanning

Geodetic as-built inventory of buildings

Airport reconstruction and expansion

Photogrammetry for mining

Laser scanning of a cement plant

Photogrammetric and laser scanning with 3D thermal measurements

Low-altitude photogrammetric survey

Inventory of a combined heat and power plant.

The 3D thermographic measurements were carried out using photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques on a mining waste dump

Analysis of erosion of the slope of the spoil heap at the Janina Mining Plant.

Interactive model of an industrial plant

Measurement of bulk materials volume

Tarnowskie Góry - archetypal inventory of the synagogue square

3D modeling for the purpose of reconstruction of installations

Nalot fotogrametryczny w celu planowania prac konserwatorskich
Bathymetry for mines

The Ogorzelec Mine

Komorowice - Architectural inventory of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. Jana Chrzciciela w Bielsku-Białej